I am an amateur concept designer and I am currently in the process of creating the world for my first 'game'. What will become of it I have no idea but we'll find out.

Jere @HappyHyenaProduction

Age 30, Male


Somewhere Cold

Joined on 1/15/19

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So Here I am once again.

Posted by HappyHyenaProduction - November 23rd, 2019

I am once again making a commitment to actually doing these weekly journals. Do I think i'll actually do it? Who knows but I have lit a fire under my rear end and I fully intend to.


Ok so I am pushing through and actually working on the Wicked Comic, I have a format and style set up and the first few pages are sketched out and just needed to be lined and filled in. The comic will be in black and white with some gray tones so that I can easily pump them out while also doing my normal art.

Next up, I will be doing short story uploads/blogs (depending on the site I am using) of stories from the World of Wicked that I don't feel the need to be turned into a comic. These include the Origin stories of Jax, Amelho, and a few other prominent characters as well as some scenes I want to tell that don't fit into the overarching narrative of the comic itself. These stories will be a little bit on the smaller side but serve as a platform for which I will build upon both in other stories and the larger comic as a whole.

Finally, I am going to begin to set up a streaming schedule, I am going to shoot for 5 pm CST on Saturdays and/or Sundays on Picarto and I will be posting a reminder image here when I start the streams. On top of this, I will be advertising my patreon more because I want to start trying to do this full time at the same time while improving my work and creating the content I want to create, this is not free and even the minor donation tiers I have set up will help a lot. Of course, these tiers will come with some extra goodies. Check out my patreon (link below) for more information.

Otherwise, that's about it for now, thanks for reading out my ramblings and i'll catch ya later! Squiggz OUT!

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/happyhyenastudios




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